Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 4 of the 12 Days of Giving - Watered Gardens

Some of you may have heard their ads on the radio. I wasn’t really sure what they were about until I started hearing their ads and I liked their message so I checked them out. You can find more info on their website http://wateredgardens.org. You can view their testimonials, their mission, events, etc. Watered Gardens Gospel Rescue Mission is located in Joplin, MO and according to their website their vision is “to see the Church boldly engaged with the homeless and poor relationally, responsibly and compassionately.”

We decided for our 4th day of giving, we would donate some items there. I really like their approach and we wanted to help a couple homeless/needy shelters. We bought a few hygiene items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, etc. We also a few little toys like slinky’s, bouncy balls and some markers/pens/notepads. I think there was some candy as well. It wasn’t much but it was things we could get to help multiple people and what my son thought everyone loves.  I mean really, who doesn’t love slinky’s and bouncy balls?! We have some other things in store for another homeless shelter later this week. I encourage you to check out Watered Gardens or some shelters in your area. I used to be really apprehensive to give to shelters or help the homeless. You always hear so many things about why people think they are homeless or what they’d do with your money if you gave it to them. I’ve learned that you can’t judge people. Let me rephrase that, you can but you shouldn’t. Unfortunately, I still find myself doing it. I hate that feeling I get when I pass a homeless person in the car and I quickly look away pretending I didn’t see them so I don’t feel as guilty for not doing anything (you know what I’m talking about). This year I decided that we weren’t going to do that. It is not my place to judge another person’s life and downfalls. It is not my place to judge what a person does with my help. I feel it is right to do what I can and involve my family. Slinky’s and toothbrushes worked for us! :)

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