Monday, December 30, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 12/29/13-01/04/13

Good Morning All!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday! I know we sure did. We wrapped up our 12 Days of Giving, went to Midnight Mass, celebrated with all of our families, relaxed a little, spent extra time together - it was perfect! I'm not too thrilled to be back to the normal Monday craziness but that's what pays the bills! We've been discussing our New Year's goals (not resolutions!). I'll be posting those later in the week. What are some of your goals or resolutions for 2014? Save money? Lose weight? Travel? Strengthen your faith? I hope to help those of you that answered yes to some of these... we've got some big plans for the new year! If you are looking to get a little more organized this year, check out the Menu Plan Monday hosting site If you click on this link, you will also find some other menu plans to start your week and new year off right! Enjoy bringing in the New Year and stay safe!!!

29 30 31 1 2 3 4
Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
egg tofu eggs Breakfast cinnamon rolls tofu eggs fruit/nut scones
toast muffin quinoa hashbrowns toast cereal eggs
banana fruit apples orange banana apple fruit
tea/milk tea/milk tea/milk tea/milk tea/milk tea/milk tea/milk
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
chicken olive fruit & nut leftover lettuce chicken chicken
veggie chicken salad pasta wraps soup chili
spring rolls lettuce wraps carrots salmon carrots rolls cornbread
water water water water water water water
Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
leftovers salmon butternut sq. crockpot  chicken KIDS tuna steaks
or asparagus pasta roast chicken enchilada CHOICE kale salad
salad salad kale potatoes casserole burgers squash
water water water water water water water
Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack Snack
pretzels apples celery/PB apples pretzels smoothie smoothie
orange carrots pretzels carrots/hummus celery/PB carrots trailmix
brownies chocolates party food! milk shake cookies fruit pizza cupcakes

I hope 2014 brings as many blessings as 2013!

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